Sunday, April 27, 2014

How Do You Keep Your Tech Clean?

(Image courtesy of William Hook)

It should come as no surprise to anyone that technology has moved in, and it’s here to stay. For most of us, we can’t make it through a single day without coming into contact with some tech gadget or another - many of us carry around at least two or three at a time!

Regardless of how careful we are with our own devices, whenever we share borrow a cell phone to make a call, or a laptop to take a glance at our Facebook wall, we’re bound to notice how other people treat their devices. One blogger from took a moment to reflect on the kinds of behaviors that irritate him the most when it comes to electronice devices. Read on to see what he has to say:

My very first computer was a desktop my family and I shared. It was a Dell from the era of the Dell Dude, complete with a 25 pound monitor and a loud and hot tower which held the keys to Minesweeper and the world wide web. It was also my first and my last shared computer, because as a tech lover, I picked up a few tech pet peeves.

It may seem strange, but we all have unique habits when it comes to how we consume technology. For instance, there's nothing I hate finding on a computer more than:
  • A messy desktop with no filing system in place at all
  • Illogical file naming — especially when it comes to hard to find files
  • Leaving millions of tabs open on the browser
  • Loud notifications from email or chat clients
  • A gross keyboard covered in dirt or dust

Do you have a list of pet peeves when it comes to technology? Leave us a comment and let us know!


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