Friday, November 8, 2013

Freshen Up Your Apartment With An Unexpected Twist

(Image courtesy of Nico Paix)

No matter how much care you took in designing the way that your apartment looks there comes a time when cushions on the couch begin to look a little stale. If you’re beginning to tire of your plain white dishes, there are simple solutions that you can take to avoid starting over and redesigning your whole apartment from scratch. Sprinkle a few visually appealing, eclectic elements throughout your apartment to add a little visual interest.

The changes that you make to your interior design don’t have to be drastic to achieve the desired effect. This article from is full of great ideas to add a little exotic spice to your interior decorating. Keep reading to learn more!

Color palette

The heart of an exotic design in décor is mostly achieved through the creation of a vivid backdrop. Indian décor may use saffron or mango colors and textiles in colors such as turquoise, jade, amethyst, orange and fuchsia. A typical Moroccan look can be achieved through turquoise and white tiles and dark wood. African décor, for example, features more earth tones and animal prints. Asian styles focus on faded browns, shiny black, red and white as well as green. Tropical hues include green, bright orange, sky blue, red and lovely bright yellow. Or, you can always go for some mottled green or blue in a traditional French style.

Flowing fabric decorations

Fabrics in lovely tones, loosely draped over the walls can truly transform a given room, giving it a completely new look. Adding a lantern or something similar will allow the lighting to give soft shadows and a different sense of space. This could help make your apartment feel like a Moroccan home – and you easily can find lanterns, sconces and more lighting fixtures at most home good stores.

Its all about the details

Regardless of whether its tiles or something else, the design is mostly felt in the small touches that add character. You can go one step beyond the usual decorations by adding Moorish symbols, changing your interior so it can closely resemble the traditional styles seen in the East and more.

Mosaic tiles

Complex tile work is something of a driving feature in Moroccan design as you can find it pretty much everywhere from floors to tabletops and walls. You can install mosaic tiles that look as close to zillij as possible, so you can achieve the same sense of aesthetic typically seen there. Many stores offer plenty of different opportunities to buy interesting designs when it comes to mosaic tiles.

The use of stencils

Stencils can be used more like an alternate solution you can do yourself so you can create the feel of a zillij tile. Just using a stencil pattern in the according colors can truly transform an entire room for a boring uniform color to something teeming with life and character. If you look up photos of Marrakesh you will see these patterns present in their more traditional interiors.


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