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With spring finally here, many people are beginning to bring small plants into their apartments and homes to brighten up their living space. It seems simple and harmless, but the introduction of spring plants can be a bit of a challenge for pet owners.
While it’s common knowledge that chocolate is poisonous to dogs, the types of plants that could be harmful isn’t nearly as well known. For example, poinsettia, which is especially popular during the holidays, is poisonous if eaten by your pets. So is mistletoe and Easter lilly!
Fortunately, the Humane Society of the United States put together a full list for your benefit - take a look at it and learn which plants not to buy this year by clicking here!
If you own a pet, remember: you not only need to be mindful of what you buy, but also need to be aware of the types of plants others may have if you tend to bring your pet to another living space while visiting friends or relatives. A little bit of research in advance will make sure that both you and your pet remain healthy and happy this spring and summer.
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